The Billionaire Makers Society

Coming September 5th

You Reach a Point

There is a time when you reach a point where you don’t need to buy more courses. And this is coming from someone who makes their living from selling courses.

But you don’t need more knowledge. You just need to level up.

You’ve done enough to realize that you know the tactics and strategies. You see most of the angles. You’ve studied everyone else to see what they are doing right.

Now you need to get out of your own way so you can move forward.

I used to think that I could do that solo and I’ll admit that I’ve had great success for the most part. But there are levels that I couldn’t have reached without surrounding myself with the right people to push me.

Finding a group of people that can provide that push is getting harder. You can have discussions on social media and that’s great, but they are far and few between.

And if you’re anything like me you aren’t one to seek out people. You have a business to focus on but you know that it’s nice to have help whenever you need it. The random discussion that leads to a breakthrough.

You just don’t want to be forced into having conversations or required to show up for phone calls so you don’t miss anything.

The Problem With Communities and Masterminds

On the surface, it feels like these are good ideas. Join a community with like-minded people and talk. But the problem with joining a community and expecting to get something out of it is that once you get into the business-building mode, you don’t have time for the community.

Think about it. You join a community and you talk for a couple of days but then you go back to your business. To get anything out of the community you need to continue to check to see if anything is of interest.

If you don’t check then you could be missing valuable discussions that are perfect for you, but if you keep on checking then it can feel like a timesink.

Masterminds can be even trickier because the value in them comes from the value the group puts into them. But let’s say you hold a weekly mastermind. Is that enough time for you to do something significant to share with the group?

What happens when you have a breakthrough but the group doesn’t meet for another month? How much insight will they miss out on?

Let’s not forget the fact that you have to remember to log into the random platform and hopefully, you remember your login credentials.

In general, the idea of these things always sounds great, but the execution is lacking.

Let’s change that on September 5th.