Can Good People Make Good Money Online?

The majority of good people who start a business fail miserably.

There is a problem with trying to make money online. Actually, there are a million problems, but I want to talk about two of them.

  1. Not everyone makes money online when they try
  2. Some people that do, do so in a way that many do not feel is ethical

Both of these contribute to the question of can good people make money online. We know bad people can make money online because all you have to do is promise something impossible for people and make them feel like they can easily achieve it.

But the majority of you reading this are good people meaning you don’t want to make money at the expense of making someone’s life worse.

So you sit down and try to make money in a way that you’re comfortable with. Now, we all have different comfort levels but over time we start to understand that in some way we have to do some type of marketing to make people aware that we exist.

And this is where things start to go astray for many.

Some people just don’t do enough marketing because they are scared for many reasons. Some people do some marketing and it kind of works. Others do a ton of marketing and it either works or doesn’t.

It’s that last group of people that is the most interesting because a decent number of people who do a lot of marketing do so in a way that doesn’t feel right.

It feels more like manipulation than it does marketing.

Here’s how I made $10,000 in a week as a brand new beginner…

It’s not that this is impossible. It’s that it is unlikely. It certainly isn’t likely in a competitive niche which all of these people seem to be in. If you’re a good person you might see this and cringe or you might finally break and believe this is the ONLY way to make money online.

And so you start to do it and after some time, it’s okay to do it because you’ve justified a good reason.

My way works because I learned from someone else and if the people who buy from me can’t figure it out then it’s on them.

While some people can’t be taught and will continue to get in their way no matter what, this doesn’t excuse the fact that many times, it’s the educator’s fault that people can’t find success.

I’m making it seem like you don’t have to lie and manipulate to make money online and I don’t think you do.

If you’re a good person you can make money online but there are some things that you’ll have to overcome. I think we should talk about those since we are already in a good conversation here.

The Main Problem Good People Have

What’s the main problem that good people have with making money online? They believe that the act of creation is deserving enough for people to hand over money.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen something like this online:

Why don’t people want to support good small businesses? This is why people are quitting. It’s because y’all don’t want to support good people working hard.

If we live in a small village and you’re the only person selling fish but the fish is terrible and they are too small to get anything out of it, then you can’t complain when people don’t come to you.

Just because you created it doesn’t mean people should give you money. I know my saying it here makes it obvious but this is a trap too many fall into. Somehow we tie our character and the work we have done into what people should buy.

It’s not my job to support you. It’s not your job to convince me to buy.

It’s my job to improve my life and therefore it’s your job (if you want to make money) to show me that you can help.

That’s it.

This is not dependent on being a good or bad person. It’s simply what it is. Bad people get away with it a lot easier because they make promises that they can do the job but they can’t.

Good people often struggle because they believe they can help you achieve the Desired Outcome but they show you the wrong things.

Good people get too bogged down in the process and in awe of what they created.

This program has 137 videos (over 17 hours of content) and will help you learn how to do the super secret strategy. If you don’t want to put in the work then you shouldn’t expect results.

It’s not that the good person doesn’t want to make money but they put in so many safety measures so they don’t upset anyone that they don’t excite anyone either. Most people don’t know who is good or bad until after they spend their money.

Just because you know someone is bad that doesn’t mean the people getting ready to use their credit cards know that. The only thing those people know is that the bad person is promising they can help them get something they want.

And they’re doing a better job at it than you.

So what does the good person do?

Build a world their people want to be in.

We Don’t Buy Products. We Buy Access to Worlds.

It’s easy to think about your great idea. What’s that amazing product that you’re going to sell? But when we buy products we aren’t buying the products.

We are buying access to a world.

We are buying a new future that we want and that can look like a world we haven’t been to yet. It doesn’t matter how big or small the product is.

The easiest way to think about this is the idea that you’re the center of your Universe. Everything in your life is represented by a world.

The worlds you love to be around you pull closer to the center of the Universe because you want them nearby. This can be products, people, animals, or whatever.

The things we like, want, or aspire for we pull in closer. The things we do not care about we actively push away. But everything remains in our Universe.

Good people tend to suck at marketing because they create a world that they hope people travel across their Universes to find. This doesn’t work out.

  • How many artists, musicians, and authors tell themselves they don’t want to “play the game” because their work stands on its own?
  • How many people with 9-5s don’t play the game to get a promotion because they shouldn’t have to?
  • How many business owners look at other people creating mediocre content and cry foul that their beautiful content isn’t producing any results?

Let’s stick with this Universe/Planet analogy. The Sun is at the center of the Universe. The Sun wants to pull in planets that make it stronger.

We do this with people in our lives who make us smile and are also terrified to let bad people go because we believe that will make our future weaker. It’s not different with you, your brand, and the products that you offer.

People pull you in when they feel you’re going to make them stronger, but there are a couple of things that have to happen.

  1. They have to know that you exist. The Universe is massive and it’s easy to get lost amongst the other stars and planets.
  2. They have to know how you make them stronger. If the Sun is used to green planets making it stronger, then your red planet isn’t going to immediately draw its attention. It doesn’t mean you change to green, but you have to overcome the bias that it has against red planets.

This means that when people buy your product they are actively saying that they want your world closer to the center of the Universe. The closer it is the more they can access it. The more they can interact with it.

The more they can be in it.

What does this have to do with Good People? Bad People do an amazing job of convincing people their world is something that it isn’t. They only want to get close to the Center of the Universe long enough to get stuff out of the Sun.

It doesn’t matter if the Sun pushes them away after because they got what they needed.

Good People have to find a way where their world works in a mutual relationship with the Sun. The better the World, the better the Sun. The better the Sun, the more other Suns want to get in on the action.

So then the question you’re asking is how do you get your world closer to the Sun and keep it there?

The Worldbuilding Funnel

To make this simpler let’s pretend that your products are the actual world. Everything else that you do can represent the world in some way but they aren’t the world.

So when you post on social media it isn’t your world, but bits of your world that your world that you’re sending out to alert people of its existence.

Good People Suck at Describing Desirable Worlds

Before you start to send out satellites to grab the attention of the Sun, you have to make your world worth the effort.

The Sun wants a specific Outcome that makes sense to your world. The Sun only cares if your world is capable of providing that Outcome. That means your world has to make it obvious that it can help with that Outcome.

And this is where Good People fall apart because they seem to do everything but describe the Outcome.

After reading that bio do you have any questions about what I do? Hopefully not. You might have questions about how I do it, but there shouldn’t be a question on that Outcome that I can provide.

Take a look at this version.

You might think this is silly but this is how many people go about their bios and if their bios sound like this can you imagine their content? Will some people click the link? Yes, but are they clicking out of curiosity or because they want what is being offered?

The idea isn’t to get more people to my landing page. The idea is to get more of the right people to the landing page. Getting traffic to a landing page just for the sake of getting more traffic doesn’t do shit for you if none of that traffic converts.

How many people think that they need to fix their landing page when in reality they aren’t even sending the right people to it? With the first image, I know at least some parts of the people that are arriving.

First Step: Be obvious with the Outcome you’ll help them achieve.

Good People Suck at Being New

The Sun has a million planets sending it information trying to get pulled closer. The majority of these messages sound the same.

If the Sun has seen it once, then it has seen it a million times.

So it’s not enough to simply tell the Sun that you can help it achieve the Outcome it wants because others are doing the same thing. You have to show the Sun something new.

How often do people post content and complain that it’s not working? They follow “the formula” but nothing is happening. And yet offline if someone tells us the same joke as someone else do we laugh?

How many eye rolls do we go through if we have to hear the same story again?

And yet we want people to respond to us when we do the same with the content that we publish. It doesn’t make sense.

But I’m not telling you this so you overthink things and try to become the most unique person on this planet. I’m not telling you to be unique.

I’m telling you to be new.

This might be a new way to present the same solution. It might be a unique mechanism to solve the problem. It might be using video instead of text.

Whatever you decide to do it has to feel new to the person.

This is the Thread that leads into this essay. What’s the basic premise of this essay?

How to make money online.

That’s nothing new but look at the presentation of it.

It’s phrased in a question (Can Good People Make Good Money Online?) that we have to ask ourselves. Then it presents an analogy that paints a different picture. And now I’m walking through a solution that feels new.

If you want your content to succeed at any level it has to do something to move people along The Pocket Business Framework.

  1. Get them to notice you
  2. Get them to pay attention to you
  3. Get them to trust you

The easiest way to do this is by being novel but you must be new in a way that still makes it obvious how you can help the Sun.

So now you know that your Outcome needs to be obvious and your content (not all of it, but a lot of it) needs to be novel. So what do we do next?

Second Step: Create content that makes them believe you have the answer.

After They Click the Link

This is where you need to understand the difference between strategy and tactics. Strategy is the game that you’ve set for yourself and tactics are the ways you decide to win the game.

For example, my strategy here is to be as helpful as possible in a way that also makes me money. This means that it doesn’t matter if I use a book, workshop, email course, or something else to get my world closer to the Sun.

Those are just tactics.

If the book sucks then it doesn’t matter if I switch to a workshop because the workshop will probably suck as well. If you told me I could only use an email course to play the game then I’d be fine with only using an email course.

There is no one true tactic to use here but you do know that the best way to help people is to always ensure they see your help. So you have to collect their email addresses.

When I started to sell Full Stack Engines I began the funnel with a free course that anyone could access without entering their email address. Then I created a book version of the course and allowed people to get it with their email address.

Now I use a Workshop that contains multiple free resources but to access it you have to give me your email address not because I’m greedy, but because for me to help you as best I can, I need to follow up with you and walk you through the resources.

The key here is that whatever you decide to do continues with the path that you’ve put the person on.

Remember my bio above? What happens when you click on it?

Third Step: Show them you’ve walked the path.

The Selling Part

This is what you’ve been waiting for. You have their attention but now you have to sell to them.

Selling? Blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.

I get it but you must reframe the idea of selling. In general, there are two ways to sell:

  1. You need this thing
  2. You’ve been wanting this thing, here it is

#1 doesn’t feel good and yet that’s how people selling is supposed to work. No wonder so many people dread it.

But with #2 you’re showing them something that they’ve been wanting. Your world is super attractive so why wouldn’t they want to pull it closer to the Sun? Look at what I do here.

I’m helpful but I also show you a world that exists that you aren’t a part of yet. My goal is to get you to pull my world closer to the Center once you know that it exists. All I have to do is continue to show you the value of my world so that you continue to pull it closer.

I could use some tricks and schemes to make it easier, but that sours the relationship.

You can be a good person who makes good money online, but you’ll have to take the harder path.

That’s how life always works.

Fourth Step: Remind them about what’s waiting for them.

The Connect 4 Method

But all of this is still a very big picture and if you took a step back to try and take a blueprint of everything that I do your head would start spinning. So we should make the initial process easier.

Let us use what I like to call the Connect 4 Method.

This method ensures that all three of the Distribution Channels are engaged.

  • Active: Social Media
  • Passive: Site
  • Nurture: Email

These 3 Channels build the audience and make them aware of your offer.

Audience x Offer = $$$$$$

And that’s all you need in business.

If you can nail down the right message that showcases the right offer to the right person. You make money.

You don’t need to trick people. You don’t need to mislead them. You simply have to give them what they want and good people are usually terrible at doing that.

Good People Need Good Marketing and Good Offers

At the end of the day, it comes down to these two things. It doesn’t matter how great you think things are.

What matters is how good your marketing is and how good your offers are.

It’s impossible to fail when both of these two things align and the problem that good people have is that these things rarely align. It doesn’t matter if you think your marketing or offers are good.

What matters is what the Sun thinks because it is their Universe.

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