Building an Online Business That Doesn’t Feel Like Prison
Turn Your Weird Obsession Into Your Next Business
Want to know what’s worse than failing at building an online business? Succeeding at the wrong one.
I spent years building what looked like success on paper. Three different quarter-million-dollar businesses that made me want to stab myself in the eye with a fork. One in productivity apps (ironic, I know), another in online education, and a third in e-commerce.
Each time, I’d build to 80% completion, hit six figures, then feel this overwhelming urge to burn it all down and start fresh. Everyone had a theory. Lack of focus. Poor follow-through. The entrepreneurial equivalent of commitment issues.
But here’s what nobody tells you about building an online business. Most of the “proven” advice out there isn’t building your dream business. It’s building a beautiful prison. A perfectly optimized cage that looks great on paper but feels soul-crushing in practice.

Who This Guide Is Actually For
This guide isn’t for everyone. If you’re looking for quick-win tactics or another “passive income in 30 days” fantasy, you’re in the wrong place.
This is for the weird ones. The ones who have that burning idea they can’t shake. The ones who know there’s a better way but can’t find the blueprint. The ones who are tired of trying to squeeze their unique vision into someone else’s business model.
You might be in the right place if:
- You’ve got an obsession that everyone tells you is “too niche” to be profitable
- You’re tired of following advice that makes you hate your business
- You want to build something that makes you excited to wake up at 5 AM (not because some guru told you to)
- You’re ready to build a world, not just another business
What You Actually Need to Succeed
Let me save you some time and money. You don’t need:
- Another course about marketing funnels
- The latest “hack” for gaming social media algorithms
- A perfectly polished business plan
- Someone else’s “proven” system
What you need is permission. Permission to build your business your way. Permission to let your weird guide you. Permission to create something that doesn’t look like everyone else’s definition of success.
And you need a framework. Not a rigid blueprint that locks you into someone else’s path, but a flexible system that helps you turn your unique vision into a profitable reality.
That’s exactly what we’re going to build together.
What’s Coming Up
In this guide, I’m going to show you how to:
- Turn your weird obsession into a profitable business model
- Build a world that attracts your perfect people like a magnet
- Create systems that scale without killing your soul
- Launch offers that feel authentic instead of sleazy
- Build momentum that keeps going even when you’re not
Each section builds on the last. By the end, you’ll have more than just a business plan. You’ll have a world-building blueprint customized to your vision.
Fair warning? This isn’t going to be comfortable. We’re going to challenge a lot of “common wisdom” about building online businesses. We’re going to break some rules. We’re going to do things differently.
But that’s the point. Because building another cookie-cutter business won’t make you happy. Trust me, I’ve built three of them.
Ready to build something that actually matters? Let’s get started.
The Foundation: Start With Your Weird
Most guides about building an online business start with market research. They tell you to find a “proven” niche. To look for “validated” business models. To basically copy what’s already working for someone else.
That’s garbage advice that leads straight to another beautiful prison.
Why Your Weird Matters
Here’s something they don’t teach you in business school. The most profitable businesses aren’t built on market research. They’re built on obsession. On that thing you can’t shut up about. That topic that makes your friends’ eyes glaze over at parties.
You know exactly what I’m talking about. Maybe it’s that super specific way you organize your digital life. Or your system for training dogs that actually works. Could be your method for teaching math to kids who hate numbers. That weird hobby everyone tells you is “too niche” to be profitable.
That thing you think is too weird to build a business around? That’s your gold mine. That’s your unfair advantage. That’s the foundation of a business you’ll actually want to wake up and run.
Finding Your Profitable Weird
But let’s be real. Not every weird obsession is automatically a business. The key isn’t just finding something unique – it’s finding something that solves real problems that keep people up at night. Something you could talk about for hours without getting bored. Something people already spend money trying to solve.
The magic happens when your obsession intersects with other people’s problems. When that weird thing you do naturally is exactly what someone else is struggling to figure out.
The Real Reason Market Research Usually Fails
Want to know why traditional market research leads you astray? Because it’s backward. It starts with what other people want instead of what lights you up.
Sure, you might find a “hot market.” You might even make some money. But you’ll be building another beautiful prison. A business that looks great on paper but makes you want to tear your hair out.
I’ve been there. Built three different six-figure businesses following “market demand.” Each one felt like wearing someone else’s clothes. Technically they fit, but they never felt right.
Testing Your Weird Without Losing Your Soul
Here’s the part that trips people up. You don’t need to ignore the market completely. You just need to approach it differently. Instead of starting with market research, start with your weird. Then look for the intersection between your obsession and other people’s problems.
The magic happens when you document your obsession in detail. Think about the specific problems you’ve solved. Your unique approach. The mistakes you’ve made and learned from. These aren’t just experiences – they’re the building blocks of your business.
Pay attention to patterns in how you help people. What questions do people always ask you? What solutions come naturally to you that others struggle with? Where do your methods differ from the “common wisdom”? These patterns are gold mines of insight into your unique value.
Your Permission Slip
Here’s your official permission slip to build a business around your weird. To ignore the “risky niche” warnings. To trust that your unique perspective is actually your biggest asset.
Because here’s the truth about building an online business. The market doesn’t need another copycat business built on “proven” models. It needs your weird. Your unique approach. Your obsessive attention to that specific thing that lights you up.
This isn’t just feel-good advice. It’s practical business strategy. When you build from your weird, you never run out of content ideas. You attract people who resonate deeply with your approach. You stand out naturally in a crowded market. Most importantly, you build something you actually want to work on long-term.
Moving Forward
Before we dive into building your world, take some time to get clear on your weird. Think about what topics make you lose track of time. Consider problems you solve differently than others. Reflect on the unique perspective you bring.
Don’t filter yourself yet. Don’t worry about what’s “marketable.” Just let yourself explore what makes you uniquely you. We’ll shape it into a business in the next section.
Remember, your weird isn’t just acceptable – it’s essential. It’s the foundation everything else will build on. The more specific, the more “too niche,” the better. Because building a successful online business isn’t about fitting in. It’s about standing out. And nothing helps you stand out like being unapologetically weird.
Your World-Building Bible: Creating Your Business Universe
You know what most business owners are missing? Not another marketing strategy or sales funnel. They’re missing a universe to build in.
That’s what a World-Building Bible is for. It’s not just some fancy rebrand of a business plan. It’s a living document that captures the essence of the world you want to create. The one that gets you jumping out of bed at 5 AM not because some guru told you to, but because you can’t wait to keep building it.
Why Traditional Business Plans Fail
Most business plans are built backward. They start with what the market wants instead of what you want to create. They focus on numbers instead of transformation. They build cages instead of worlds.
I burned every business plan I ever wrote. Each one was a beautifully decorated prison cell that kept me stuck doing what I thought I was supposed to do instead of what I actually wanted to do.
Core Truths: The Foundation of Your World
Your core truths aren’t your typical mission statements. They’re the non-negotiables. The hills you’ll die on. The truths that guide everything you do.
When I started Makers Mob, one of our core truths became “if it doesn’t make us want to jump out of bed to work on it, we don’t build it.” Another was that every paid thing needs a free version that actually helps people – none of that watered-down teaser BS.
These truths should make some people uncomfortable. If everyone agrees with them, you’re probably playing it too safe. The point isn’t to be controversial for controversy’s sake – it’s about being honest about what you actually believe.
World Physics: How Your Business Moves
Think of your business like a universe with its own laws of physics. Some things naturally pull people toward you – that’s your attraction force. Maybe it’s your unusual take on productivity, or the way you explain complex topics through weird analogies.
Other things push people away, and that’s good. Your repulsion force is just as important as your attraction. In my world, hustle culture garbage and corporate speak get repelled immediately. This isn’t about being mean – it’s about being clear about what doesn’t belong in your world.
The momentum in your world comes from transformation. From watching people take your weird approach and use it to change their lives. That’s what keeps your world growing, not some artificial growth hacks or marketing tricks.
Your Character Ecosystem
Forget target demographics. Who are the actual characters in your story? In my world, they’re the creative souls stuck in conventional jobs. The side-project enthusiasts ready to go bigger. The corporate refugees seeking meaningful work.
But it’s not just about who you serve. It’s about understanding the journey they’re on. What are they fighting against? What transformation are they seeking? Your role isn’t just to sell them something – it’s to guide them through this transformation.
Growing Without Losing Your Soul
Every decision you make either expands your world or dilutes it. There’s no neutral ground here. That viral post that has nothing to do with your core message? It’s actually hurting you. Those engagement-bait questions that have nothing to do with your transformation? They’re building the wrong thing.
This is where your World Bible becomes invaluable. Instead of asking “will this make money?” you ask “does this expand our world?” Instead of “is this what everyone else is doing?” you ask “does this align with our core truths?”
Creating Your Own World Bible
Start with your stories. Not your business goals – your actual stories. Why did you start this journey? What frustrates you about your industry? What transformation are you trying to create?
Your World Bible should capture your unique language too. In my world, we don’t talk about ROI – we talk about Soul Return. We don’t have a target market – we have our people. This isn’t about being cute with words. It’s about creating language that actually reflects what you believe.
Making It Real
Your World Bible isn’t just some theoretical exercise. It’s a practical tool that guides everything you do. When you’re creating content, you don’t have to wonder if it’s “on brand” – you just check if it expands your world. When you’re developing products, you don’t have to guess if they’ll work – you know if they align with your world’s physics.
This might sound abstract, but it’s intensely practical. Every decision becomes simpler because you’re no longer trying to please everyone or follow someone else’s blueprint. You’re building something true to you.
Moving Forward
Before we dive into choosing your business model, take some time with this. Write your origin story. Get clear on your core truths. Map out how your world works. This isn’t just planning – it’s creating the foundation everything else will build on.
The next section will show you how to choose a business model that fits your world without becoming another beautiful prison. But first, make sure you’ve got your World Bible solid. Because building the right business in the wrong world is just another way to create a beautiful prison.
Choosing Your Business Model
Most people pick their business model backwards. They look at what’s trendy, what some guru is pushing, or worst of all – what seems easiest to sell. Then they try to cram their weird into that box.
I get the appeal. When I started my first online business, I did exactly what everyone said to do. Created a course because courses were hot. Built a membership because recurring revenue is the dream. Ended up with a perfectly profitable business that felt like a prison.
The Truth About Business Models
Here’s what nobody tells you about business models. The model itself doesn’t matter nearly as much as how it fits your world. I’ve seen people make millions selling $7 ebooks and others go broke trying to sell $2000 courses. I’ve watched simple newsletter businesses thrive while complex membership sites implode.
The difference wasn’t in the model. It was in the alignment between the model and the creator’s natural way of working.
Think about how you naturally help people. Do you teach best through long-form deep dives or quick tactical wins? Do you thrive on daily interaction or prefer to work in focused bursts? Are you energized by community or drained by constant connection?
Your answers matter more than any guru’s advice about what business model is “hot” right now.
Digital Products That Don’t Suck
Digital products are my favorite way to scale weird into profit. Not because they’re passive (that’s mostly a myth), but because they give you leverage without losing your soul.
But here’s the thing about digital products – they’re not all created equal. An ebook that captures your unique methodology can be worth more than a bloated course that teaches generic principles. A focused workshop that solves one specific problem deeply can outperform a broad membership site that tries to solve everything.
The key is matching the format to your message. Sometimes the best way to share your weird is through a series of deep-dive workshops. Sometimes it’s through a simple PDF that maps out your unique system. The format should serve the transformation, not the other way around.
The Hybrid Approach That Actually Works
After burning down three businesses that looked perfect on paper, I discovered something interesting. The most sustainable businesses often combine multiple models in a way that feels natural to the creator.
Maybe you start with a small workshop that teaches your core methodology. That leads naturally into a higher-touch group program for people who want to go deeper. On the side, you’ve got digital tools that help people implement your method.
None of these pieces has to be complicated. They just have to make sense together. They have to feel like natural extensions of how you help people, not separate products bolted together because some launch formula told you to have three price points.
The Joy Factor
You know what nobody talks about when discussing business models? Joy. Not the fake “follow your passion” stuff, but actual, sustainable enjoyment of your work.
I’ve learned this the hard way. You can make good money doing something that slowly drains your soul. You can build a “successful” business that makes you want to hide every time you see a notification. You can create a perfect business on paper that feels like a prison in practice.
That’s why joy has to be part of your business model equation. Not as some fluffy afterthought, but as a core metric. If the business model you’re considering doesn’t make you want to jump out of bed to work on it, it’s the wrong model. Period.
Moving Forward
The next section will dive into building your platform. But first, take some time to think about how you naturally work. Don’t worry about what’s scalable yet. Don’t stress about what’s profitable yet. Just get honest about how you do your best work.
Because here’s the truth – any business model can work if it aligns with your natural way of creating value. And any business model will fail if it doesn’t, no matter how “proven” it is.
The goal isn’t to find the perfect business model. It’s to find the model that lets your weird shine through while creating real value for others. Everything else is just details.
Building Your Platform
Everyone’s obsessed with platforms these days. Build your personal brand. Grow your following. Create your content empire. Most of it is just noise that leads to another beautiful prison – one made of constant posting and engagement metrics that mean nothing.
Content That Actually Matters
I’ve watched too many people fall into the content hamster wheel. Posting three times a day because some guru said that’s how you hack the algorithm. Writing endless threads that go viral but build nothing lasting. Creating perfect Pinterest-worthy posts that get lots of saves but zero sales.
Want to know what actually works? Building worlds instead of platforms. Creating content that pulls people deeper into your universe instead of just adding to their endless scroll of forgettable content.
The Home Base Question
Your website isn’t just some digital business card. It’s the physical manifestation of your world. The place where your weird lives and breathes.
But most people overcomplicate this part. They get stuck in theme choices and color palettes and font selections. None of that matters as much as having a place that feels like your world the moment someone lands on it.
My first few websites were perfect. Beautiful typography. Clean design. Professional everything. And they felt absolutely nothing like me. They were pretty prisons that kept my real voice locked away.
Social Media Without the Soul Crush
Here’s what I’ve learned about social media after building three different quarter-million-dollar businesses. The platform doesn’t matter nearly as much as what you do with it. I’ve seen people build massive businesses on tiny Twitter accounts while others struggle with hundreds of thousands of followers.
The difference? The successful ones weren’t building a platform. They were building a world. Every post, every thread, every comment pulled people deeper into their universe instead of just adding to the noise.
You don’t need to be everywhere. You need to be somewhere consistently, speaking your truth in a way that makes the right people feel seen.
Email Lists That Don’t Make You Hate Yourself
Everyone says to build an email list. They’re not wrong, but they’re usually right for the wrong reasons. Your email list isn’t valuable because “the money’s in the list” or whatever garbage phrase is trending. It’s valuable because it’s one of the few places left where you can have real conversations with your people.
But most email lists are built on tricks and bribes. “Free” PDFs that offer no real value. Generic newsletters that could have been written by AI. Automated sequences that feel about as personal as a spam call.
What if instead of building a list, you built a movement? What if every email was a letter to a friend who shares your obsession? What if your welcome sequence wasn’t some fancy funnel but an honest conversation about the world you’re building?
The Reality of Platform Building
There’s no shortcut to building a platform that matters. No hack or trick that creates real connection. But there is a simpler way.
Show up consistently with truth that matters. Create content that expands your world instead of diluting it. Write emails you actually want to send to people you actually want to help.
The metrics might grow slower this way. You might not get those viral hits or overnight success stories. But you’ll build something real. Something that attracts exactly the right people. Something that grows stronger with every piece of content instead of requiring constant feeding.
That’s the difference between building a platform and building a world. One needs constant maintenance to keep from collapsing. The other grows stronger with every truth you tell.
Your world doesn’t need another perfectly optimized content machine. It needs your voice, your weird, your truth. Everything else is just details.
Creating Your First Offer
Want to know the biggest lie in online business? That you need some fancy launch strategy or complex funnel to sell your first offer. That you need to follow someone else’s blueprint for success.
I fell for this garbage three times. Built three different quarter-million-dollar businesses following all the “right” steps. Perfect launches. Beautiful funnels. Profitable offers that made me want to hide every time someone bought them.
What Nobody Tells You About Creating Offers
Most people approach offers backwards. They look at what’s selling in their market, then try to create something similar but “better.” Or they follow some formula about what their offer “should” include based on the price point they want to hit.
That’s how you end up with another beautiful prison. An offer that sells well but slowly kills your soul every time you deliver it.
Here’s what actually matters when creating your first offer – it needs to be something you’re excited to wake up and work on. Something that lets your weird shine through. Something that feels like a natural extension of who you are and how you help people.
The Simple Offer Framework
Your first offer doesn’t need to be complicated. In fact, it should be almost embarrassingly simple. Take that weird thing you do naturally, the one that helps people get results, and turn it into something others can buy.
Sometimes that’s a workshop where you teach your unique approach. Sometimes it’s a simple guide that maps out your methodology. Sometimes it’s a tool or template that helps people implement your weird solution to their problem.
The format matters less than the transformation. Are you helping people move from a place they don’t want to be to a place they do want to be? Are you doing it in a way that feels natural to you? That’s what matters.
Pricing Without the Panic
Most pricing advice is based on market research and competitor analysis. That’s not completely useless, but it misses something crucial – the sustainability of joy.
I’ve sold high-ticket programs that looked great on paper but drained my energy with every delivery. I’ve sold low-priced products that brought me more joy and eventually more profit because I actually wanted to show up and support them.
Your price needs to reflect not just the value you provide, but the energy it takes to provide it. If you’re dreading delivery at your chosen price point, it’s the wrong price – no matter what the market says.
The Launch That Isn’t a Launch
You know what’s better than some complicated launch strategy? Actually helping people. Showing them the transformation you can create. Building excitement through results instead of hype.
I’ve watched people kill themselves trying to follow some guru’s launch formula. Meanwhile, others quietly build six-figure businesses by consistently showing up and solving real problems.
Your first offer doesn’t need a fancy launch. It needs to solve a real problem in a way that feels authentic to you. It needs to be something you can talk about naturally because it’s a genuine expression of how you help people.
The Validation Trap
Everyone talks about validation like it’s some complex process requiring surveys and beta tests and market research. Sometimes that’s useful. But you know what’s better validation? When people are already asking you for help.
Those DMs asking for advice? The friends who keep coming to you with the same problems? The questions that pop up every time you post about your weird obsession? That’s validation in its purest form.
A Different Way to Think About Offers
Stop thinking about your offer as a product or service. Think of it as an invitation into your world. A way for people to experience your unique approach to solving their problems.
The best offers aren’t built on market research or competitor analysis. They’re built on obsession. On that weird thing you can’t stop thinking about. On the unique way you see and solve problems.
Because here’s the truth – there will always be someone selling something similar to what you offer. But nobody else can sell your weird. Nobody else can share your unique perspective. Nobody else can build your world.
That’s not just good business philosophy. It’s practical advice for creating offers that last. When your offer is a natural extension of your weird, you never run out of ways to talk about it. You never get bored delivering it. You never have to fake enthusiasm because the enthusiasm is built into the DNA of what you’re selling.
Growing Without Breaking
“Scale” is a dirty word in my world. Not because growth is bad, but because most advice about scaling is just a recipe for building a bigger, fancier prison.
I know because I’ve done it. Three times. Built businesses to multiple six figures following all the “right” advice about scaling. Each one grew perfectly on paper while slowly crushing my soul in practice.
The Growth Trap
Most growth strategies are built on a lie. They tell you to automate everything, systematize every process, remove yourself from as much as possible. Sounds great until you realize you’ve automated away everything that made your business unique.
That personal touch that made people feel seen? Automated away. That weird approach that got amazing results? Systematized into mediocrity. That joy you felt helping people? Delegated to someone following a script.
A Different Kind of Growth
Real growth isn’t about removing yourself from your business. It’s about amplifying what makes you unique. About finding ways to help more people without losing the weird that attracted them in the first place.
Sometimes that means staying smaller than you could. Sometimes it means growing slower than you’re capable of. Sometimes it means saying no to opportunities that look great on paper but would dilute your world.
The Systems That Actually Matter
You don’t need some complex system for everything. But you do need rock-solid systems for the things that drain your energy without adding value.
Those repetitive tasks that anyone could do? System them up. The basic admin stuff that sucks your soul? Automate it away. But the places where your weird shines through? Where your unique perspective creates transformation? Keep your hands on those.
I automated all the wrong things in my first few businesses. Created systems that looked efficient but slowly stripped away everything unique about what I offered. Now I know better. Now I build systems that protect my weird instead of diluting it.
The Team Question
Everyone says you need to build a team to scale. They’re not entirely wrong, but they’re usually right for the wrong reasons.
You don’t need a team to remove yourself from your business. You need a team to amplify what makes your business unique. To handle the parts that drain you so you can focus on the parts that only you can do.
But here’s what nobody tells you about building a team – if you can’t explain your weird to them, you can’t expect them to protect it. If you haven’t documented what makes your approach unique, you can’t blame them for defaulting to generic.
Sustainable Growth
The best businesses don’t just grow bigger – they grow stronger. Every new customer deepens your understanding of your weird. Every new offer refines your unique approach. Every new team member adds their own flavor to your world without diluting its essence.
That’s what sustainable growth looks like. Not some hockey stick graph that looks impressive in pitch decks, but steady expansion that makes your business more “you” instead of less.
The Reality of Breaking Points
Every business has breaking points. Places where what worked at one size stops working at another. Most people try to push through these points with brute force and willpower. That’s how you end up with a bigger version of a broken system.
The trick isn’t avoiding breaking points – it’s recognizing them as opportunities to realign with your weird. To check if you’re still building what you want to build. To make sure your growth is making your world stronger, not just bigger.
The Joy Metric
Here’s the growth metric nobody talks about – joy. Not some fluffy “follow your passion” nonsense, but the actual sustainable enjoyment of running your business.
If growing your business makes you dread Monday mornings, you’re growing wrong. If scaling means losing the parts that light you up, you’re scaling wrong. If success feels like failure, you’re measuring wrong.
Your business should become more “you” as it grows, not less. More aligned with your weird, not more generic. More energizing, not more draining. That’s not just feel-good advice – it’s practical business strategy. Because a business that energizes you is a business you’ll actually want to keep building.
The Reality Check
I could end this guide with some rah-rah motivation about how you’re going to crush it. About how your business is going to explode overnight. About how everything’s going to be perfect if you just follow these steps.
But that would be garbage. And you deserve better than garbage.
The Timeline Truth
Building a business that matters takes time. Not because you’re slow or doing it wrong, but because rushing only builds prettier prisons.
I burned through three different quarter-million-dollar businesses because I built them too fast. Followed all the “right” steps. Hit all the “right” milestones. Created perfectly profitable businesses that made me want to stab myself in the eye with a fork.
What Actually Happens
Your first offer probably won’t be perfect. Your content might not go viral. Your world won’t be crystal clear from day one. That’s not failure – that’s the process working exactly as it should.
Building a business around your weird is messy. It’s iterative. It’s sometimes uncomfortable. Because you’re not just building a business – you’re building a world that’s never existed before.
The Investment Reality
Everyone wants to talk about six-figure launches and overnight success. Nobody wants to talk about the mental energy it takes to build something real. The emotional investment of putting your weird out into the world. The time it takes to find your people.
You’ll invest more than money. You’ll invest pieces of yourself. Your ideas. Your energy. Your weird. That investment matters more than whatever you spend on tools or tech.
The Prison Warning Signs
Sometimes you’ll catch yourself building another prison. Maybe you’ll follow some guru’s advice that doesn’t feel right. Maybe you’ll chase a trend that goes against your weird. Maybe you’ll create an offer that looks good on paper but feels wrong in your gut.
That’s normal. Building prisons is what we’ve been taught to do. The difference is now you’ll recognize the bars before they trap you.
What Success Actually Looks Like
Real success rarely looks like the screenshots in Facebook ads. Sometimes it’s a single message from someone saying you changed their life. Sometimes it’s the quiet realization that you haven’t dreaded work in months. Sometimes it’s finally having the confidence to let your weird fully shine.
The best wins often look tiny from the outside but feel massive on the inside. Like the first time someone quotes your weird back to you. Or when you realize you’ve built something that energizes you instead of draining you.
The Hard Truth About Easy Answers
There’s no perfect roadmap for building a business around your weird. No step-by-step guide that works for everyone. No guaranteed path to success.
That’s not a bug – it’s a feature. Because if there was a perfect roadmap, everyone would follow it. And then we’d all end up building the same beautiful prisons with different paint jobs.
The Point of All This
Building a business isn’t about following someone else’s rules. It’s not about hitting arbitrary metrics or reaching certain milestones.
It’s about creating something that makes sense to you. Something that lets your weird shine through. Something that helps people while energizing you instead of draining you.
Your weird is your advantage. Your unique perspective is your superpower. Your obsessions are your opportunity. They’re not problems to solve or quirks to overcome – they’re the foundation of a business only you can build.
That’s not just feel-good nonsense. It’s practical business strategy. Because when you build from your weird, you never run out of ideas. You never get bored. You never have to fake enthusiasm. You just have to be unapologetically you.
And that’s the kind of business worth building.
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