The Best Way to Build an Automated Sales Machine

It’s time to finally hit those $333+ days you’ve been waiting for

When You’re Tired of Working Hard for Months In Hopes of Making One Sale

When someone starts an online business they are told to be patient. And patience is good but how do you know if what you’re doing is going to work?

When they came to take my car I told them to just be a bit more patient. That didn’t work out very well.

So I got stuck in this mode where I wasn’t sure what to fix.

  • Did I need more offers?
  • Should I send more emails?
  • Was my sales page good enough?
  • Why wasn’t everyone liking my social media content?
  • SEO sounds fun, maybe I should give that a try!

The truth is that you should know if you’re making progress or not. You should know if you’re on the path to multiple sales a day every single day.

It’s Time You Had a System That Sells for You 24/7 No Matter What Platforms You Use

I’m being serious when I say this. You can only hustle and grind on social media for so long before you realize that the algorithm isn’t there to help you make money.

If I was going to create content to generate sales then I wanted to be sure that the content that I was creating was going to create customers. I didn’t want to hope that the algorithm liked it enough for me to go viral.

So why not ignore the algorithm and create a system that works across any platform that you decide to use? One that is set up to work today, tomorrow, and next year?

More importantly, it made sense to have a system that wasn’t dependent on me being around 24/7. If you’re going to spend months creating content then you want to know that content is going to work for you for more than 37 seconds.

Did You See Those $18k+ Months?

The people who say money can’t buy happiness are either really rich and forget the impact money has on you or poor and want to believe that money won’t make them feel better.

Money might not buy happiness, but it certainly clears the path to it. The ability to have enough money not to worry about things and have enough time to make the most of it is why this system exists.

The online space is set up in a way that you can build a system that truly runs 24/7 for you instead of the 23 minutes a social media post lasts.

You want to have a system that sells for you every single time the right person comes across your content. Which means that your content has to do more work than you think it can do.


Bye Bye Algo

Going viral can be amazing for some people but for most it doesn’t do anything. Instead of chasing the algorithm, learn how to create the right type of content that builds customers no matter how many people you reach.


No Sleazy Ish

You know that you have to sell if you want to make money. But that doesn’t mean you want to feel greasy doing it or want to leave a bad taste in the mouths of your customers. It’s time to build happy customers.


For Anyone

Learn the systems that anyone can implement (if they pay attention). This isn’t about how skillful or knowledgeable you are. It’s about how much you want to help your people. If you can help then you can make money.

Hey! I’m Scrivs!

I’ve been building online businesses for 20+ years now and let me tell you that I’ve been screwing up for most of them. Over the years my life has changed dramatically.

With three young kids who always wanted my attention, I needed to find a system that allowed me to make the money that I wanted without having to sacrifice more time.

So I stopped chasing tactics and took the time to figure out what needed to be in place so that I was making money daily even when I didn’t have time to post.

Finding the system didn’t happen overnight. There was a lot of trial and error but eventually, I got to a place where I knew I didn’t need to be glued to the notifications on my phone.

You don’t need to take as much time as I did to figure things out. You can build your Automated Sales Machine in less than 30 days and get everything rolling.

You Can Get 10x the Results from 10% of the Effort…

I don’t want to turn this into a love fest for making money but I’m making this point because you have to let go of the idea that you need a large audience and the ability to post 27x a day to make good money.

I’ve never been one to chase trends or do what everyone else is doing and because of this, I’ve never had a social media audience of more than 6000 people (this could change by the time you read this because I might’ve learned how to be cool…who knows).

And I’m not the patient type to wait until I have 100,000 people following me before I make any money.

So I wanted to answer a simple question.

How do I get a person to buy from me if they are the only person that I come across today?


Full Stack Engines 2.0

The complete marketing system to help you build your own Automated Sales Machine and start having $333+ days…every single day

This is everything you need to build a machine that continues to sell for you no matter what platforms you choose or what offers you sell.


Because it’s not based on trendy tactics, but on a strategy that will stand the test of time. Learn it once and be ready for any changes that come your way.

It doesn’t matter if Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, Facebook, TikTok, or anything else is your favorite platform. You can get results like this…

Here Is Your Problem…

You’re told to keep up with the latest trends. You’re given a set of hooks that you’re always supposed to use. All of this is meant to ensure the algorithm loves you, but the algorithm isn’t the one buying your offers.

So every algorithm change brings about chaos. Then you’re caught in this endless loop of stress because your content isn’t getting the views you think it’s supposed to go viral.

And now instead of trying to help people you’re worried about how much content you need to post and what things you should talk about.

But that never made sense to me because I knew some people could use my offers. Why did I need to reach 100,000 people just for them to want to buy something? So instead I switched gears and focused on creating content that spoke to them.

There is nothing crazy about this Thread. I don’t even think it got over 1,000 views. But guess what? It made me over $5,000.

The largest my email list has ever been was 10,000 subscribers and yet it was able to do this…

That’s over $100,000 in 7 days. Is that typical? Of course not, but when you build the right system that puts out the right content you allow yourself to build an audience of people who are dying to buy from you.

Full Stack Engines 2.0 Will Show You How to Get the Most Out of…

Social Media

Forget the algorithm. Learn how to use the 2 Layers of Marketing Content to get the most out of social media regardless of how many people see your content.


Ready to make more money from your emails? Discover the 5 emails that you can send to your audience to make them crave more in their inbox.


Your blog can become your most valuable asset for making sales 24/7. Forget the days of hoping Google sends you traffic and focus on what matters.

Your Website

Not sure how to set up your website to make it a sales machine? I’ll show you my simple steps to setting up $333+/day websites no matter what niche you’re in.

Sales Pages

Scared your sales page isn’t converting like it should? I’ll show you the simple 10-question formula I use to create sales pages that convert like you want them.


Let me show you the 5 different funnels you should have in place to ensure that your Automated Sales Machine is making sales all day every day.

But Wait…There’s More!

The funny thing about building a business is that there are a lot of different ways to do things and lots of different challenges that pop up. I’ve got you covered on multiple fronts.

Full Stack Engines gives you access to resources that cover:

  • Social Media Marketing
  • Sales Funnels (without the ick)
  • Content Creation
  • Creating Godfather Offers
  • Automation
  • Using AI as an Assistant to Save You Time

If it’s needed to build a business that makes you $333+ a day then it’s covered in Full Stack Engines.

Don’t believe me? Have a look at what else comes in Full Stack Engines

Category Killing Offers

The best way to win is to create the only offer people care about

You can no longer create any type of offer. You have to create an offer that can’t be ignored.

Let me show you how to find your Big Idea and put it together with your Unique Mechanism to create an offer that kills your category and creates a new one that only has you in it.

Category Killing Offers also includes the best-selling 12-Hour eBook Method.

Cash Flow Content

More cash from less content

You can create content that feels like a waste of time or you can create content that you know will always do work for you no matter the social media metrics the algorithm decides to give it.

Cash Flow Content shows you how to create content that builds customers today instead of hoping to go viral tomorrow.

It’s time to get off the content-producing treadmill and remember what the outside world looks like.

Feel Good Funnels

How to generate more sales with better feels

Master the art of selling without selling and making people feel good about your marketing.

The happier people are the more money they will spend. 

Master over a dozen different types of funnels that allow you the flexibility to decide which one will work for you today.

Blog Rocket & Pocket SEO

Turn your site into a passive traffic source for audience building

Building a blog today isn’t the same as it was a couple of years ago. With everything that is changing, you need to look at your blog as a library and not something you randomly post to.

Here is how you build a blog that will have your people sharing content and visiting often.

The Journey: Season 1

Watch as I build another successful business using everything I teach in Full Stack Engines

Does what you learn in Full Stack Engines and the other courses still work? The best way to find out is to watch me start from scratch again and apply everything that I teach.

Watch me build a business from $0 to $3,000 in less than 90 days.

The Guarantee

30-Day Money Back Guarantee

Full Stack Engines 2.0 comes with a 30-Day, No Questions Asked Money-Back Guarantee.

You’ll need time to go through the material and begin to implement some of it. If you feel it’s not taking you down the right path then let me know and I’ll send your money back.

The last thing you should be worried about is if you’ve gotten value out of your investment.

What’s the Difference Between FSE and the Rest?

Have you ever noticed that a lot of marketing systems are built on one of two assumptions?

  1. You have the ability to keep up with trends and algorithm changes so you always know when to make changes to your “strategy”.
  2. You are in the how to make money niche or have a large following.

If you can’t do one or both of those things then you’re in trouble. But it shouldn’t be like that because we buy stuff every single day that isn’t about how to make money.

So why do people buy? If you could answer that question and then figure out the content to use to get in front of people then you wouldn’t need to get in front of as many people.

You wouldn’t sweat bullets any time a piece of content of yours doesn’t perform by the usual metrics because what matters is the money that you make each day.

Other systems rely on tactics that could expire tomorrow. Full Stack Engines is based on a system that is meant to last.

So you could pay a large amount to learn one aspect of building a business or you could pay to get the whole system in one place.

Full Stack Engines Was Created for Those Who…

You want to help people and you want to believe your business should be more than you showing up every day asking people to buy from you. The focus of a Full Stack Engine is to help your customers so they are Happy Customers.

To do what you love to do while also making money from it.

You want to see simple things like this.

This was a random screenshot I took one day where one person bought from an email and another person bought from social media. If you believe that all of your content should be doing work for you then building an Automated Sales Machine is essential.

Unfortunately, I don’t have the magic formula for going viral. I can’t even remember if I’ve gone viral myself. What you will learn though is how to get the most out of the content that you create so that every view you get matters.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do I need to know to get started? Nothing. If you’re starting from scratch you’ll learn how to build from the beginning. If you already have a business you’ll learn how to improve it to get it to where you want.

Is there support? You’ll have full access to the Odd Noodles community where I am constantly answering questions and helping those who need it.

What niches is this for? What type of businesses? The simple answer is that this works for any niche because it isn’t reliant on tactics but strategies that are Universal.

Full Stack Engines has been used to build amazing businesses in…

  • Knitting
  • Weight Loss
  • Accounting
  • Donkey Training (Seriously)
  • Cricut Crafts
  • Freezer Meals
  • Stained Glass
  • Anime Drawing
  • Kids’ Activities
  • Travel
  • Living Abroad
  • Weight Training
  • Email Marketing
  • Yoga
  • Fantasy Writing
  • And More…

How long until I see success? You know the answer to this one. Every business is going to be different. The goal is to get your Automated Sales Machine up and running in less than 30 days.

From there you’ll learn about what to look for in your business to see if it’s on the right path and what adjustments need to be made so you get to those $333+ days sooner.

Build Your Automated Sales Machine Today. Get It Running In 30 Days.

The best program for building the business that you want in the way you want to do it.

Missed the Workshop? No reason to leave this page, you can watch it here.