The Billionaire Makers Society

Open Now!

Sometimes You Reach a Point Where…

There are levels to growing your business. One level that many people don’t want to acknowledge is the level when you don’t need more courses.

And this is coming from someone who sells an amazing course!

But some of you don’t need more workshops, books, courses, or anything else to level up. What you need to do is surround yourself with people who want to push you.

Sometimes watching someone else push themselves through those walls that are growing in front of them can help you finally get out of your own way.

The ability to talk with others and come across new epiphanies that you couldn’t on your own can be the difference between going nowhere or going everywhere that you want.

A New Kind of Community

The last thing you need is another place to log in. That’s kind of the problem with online communities, right?

You’re forced to stop what you’re doing, go to a site, log in, and then find something worthwhile to talk about.

And what happens if nobody is talking? Then the community itself looks dead which means nobody else is going to hop in.

I don’t want to create another community where I have to manage the site. I don’t want another community where I have to log in just to see what new discussions are happening.

But I do want to talk to people. I want to share my insights and answer questions. I want to learn what others are doing.

And I don’t want it to break up my workflow.

How It Works

My Promise

The premise is simple. It’s a community.

I will make you one promise though. You will be pushed. You will be challenged.

Your goal is to grow so this isn’t a place to be told that everything is going to be okay. What if it isn’t? Shouldn’t you know that?

If your content isn’t hitting the mark shouldn’t you be made aware?

You will be supported. Nobody will cheer for your success harder than me. But again, I will push you because I expect that you’ll push me.

The Finer Details

  • The Billionaire Makers Society will only ever have 1,000 total members. The goal isn’t to create the world’s largest community of amazing people. It’s to create the best community of amazing people and that can happen at certain sizes.
  • Membership opens in rounds. This is Round 1 and it is a one-time payment of $150.
  • There are no refunds. You get out of this what you put into this. This is not a place to kick the tires.
  • You are not obligated to do anything. If you simply want to read the discussions then by all means. However, you’re always encouraged to join in on the right discussions because that is how growth happens.
  • This is not a place to Pimp your business. We get enough marketing in the world. This is our safe place where we will have no problem talking about your business within the right context, but there will be no marketing inside.

It’s called The Billionaire Makers Society because the goal is to get all 1,000 members to $1,000,000 a year.

1,000 x $1,000,000 = A Billy (that's what we call a billion)

If this could be achieved solely through a course, then I would have you buy mine. But there is something that you need that goes beyond courses.

Sometimes, you need a small piece of feedback. Sometimes, you need to see how someone else did that special thing. And sometimes, you just need to talk to get that boost to push you over the top.

If you’re ready to join then I can’t wait to see you on the inside.