Get Back to Your Passion

It’s time they notice you started creating with your heart again

When I was younger my Mom told me that I could do anything that I wanted. She said what all good Moms say I assume.

What she forgot to include was the fact that if whatever I wanted to do didn’t bring in money then I couldn’t do anything that I wanted to do unless I was okay with being homeless.

If you’re reading this I assume you aren’t homeless and I also assume you like the idea of being able to do what you want. Wait, we should rephrase that.

Because when I say “do what you want” I don’t mean choosing not to do anything. I don’t mean choosing to not push yourself in some way.

What I do mean is doing the thing that you love that brings you joy. That thing that is challenging, but doesn’t feel like a challenge because you enjoy it so much.

That thing.

And if you could make money from that thing?


And that’s kind of the rub of all of this, right? You set out to do that thing you love. You start to post on social media and nobody gives a shit.

At least, that’s what it feels like.

So what do you do? You turn to the experts to figure out how you can get more people to view your stuff because if more people saw your stuff then you would make the money needed to continue to create.

You follow the strategies. You pay attention to the trends. You do the dances.

And it’s working! More people are viewing your stuff but they still don’t care about what you’re doing. They just like the fact that you found a fun way to use a trend.

Now, instead of doing that thing you love you’ve become a professional marketer who always needs to stay on top of the latest tactics.

This wasn’t how it was supposed to turn out. But honestly, what’s the alternative?

How It Can Play Out

It’s probably easier if we paint a picture.

You wake up and do the thing that you love. You show people what you’re doing. People are interested and they follow you. They continue to pay attention to you.

You put something up for sale and they buy it. You keep on doing what you love. You put up another thing and people buy it.

Not once did you feel like you were losing the joy. Not once did you feel like you switched from what you were doing to now becoming a full-blown marketer.

Instead, you have things in place that allow you to do what you love and make money so you can continue to do it.

The Rules

This sounds like a fantasy, right? And for most people that’s what it will remain because most people can’t abide by the rules.


Who the fuck wants rules when you’re off finding joy? Well, the rules are needed to make money.

Money is the oxygen for the thing that you love.

Without it, that thing stops breathing.

So to ensure this works out, there have to be rules. If the rules aren’t for you, then you know this path isn’t for you.

That’s a huge benefit of the rules. They let you know if the game is for you or not.

Rule #1: You Must Be Building

If you aren’t actively building something then nothing else matters. And I’m not talking about building your business. I’m talking about doing the thing you love doing.

  • Knitting
  • Horseback riding
  • Skateboarding
  • Painting
  • Writing
  • Cooking
  • …whatever else

You have to be building (making/creating/doing) otherwise this won’t work. And that’s okay because you can follow another business strategy.

Just not this one.

Rule #2: You Must Have Systems That Sell

When you go to Disney World you’ll eventually enter a gift shop or two. Disney is designed in a way that entices you to go into them.

You must have systems that make people aware of the things that you have for them to buy. I’m not talking about sending them 30% OFF emails.

Just things that let them know that you have a pattern they can buy after they are done watching you build.

Rule #3: You Must Keep a Home Base

The challenge in today’s world is that there is never just one place you have to be and this is why people burn out. Unless you have a whole team doing stuff for you then being everywhere at once is tiring.

So you must first learn how to document what you do on your home base. Home base becomes the hub for your audience.

It’s the place that they know they can turn to when they want to see what’s going on.

It lives outside of the algorithms and gatekeepers.

Rule #4: You Must Be Selfish

Weird rule, right?

But it’s the rule that is here for survival. You must be selfish. You must do the things you want to do or else you’ll start doing things for “them“.

And it’s okay if you want to do that. Most successful businesses are built that way but that’s a different game.

I’m not saying you will ignore the things that will bring people to you but you will focus on what you love and figure out how to make that work to attract people to you.

You’ll know you’ve started doing things for “them” when you begin to wonder why it doesn’t seem as fun anymore.

Rule #5: You Have to Keep Challenging Yourself

Today I’m going to do the same thing that I’ve been doing for the past 6 months in the exact same way that y’all have seen me do hundreds of times already.

This isn’t exciting. This isn’t aspirational.

This is about your growth just as much as it is theirs. When you grow then they feel like they are growing with you. When you stay stagnate, they stagnate.

This rule shouldn’t be a problem if you’re really doing the thing that you love.

How Do You Make This Happen?

Here’s the sales pitch. You, me, 90 days, and insane progress.

I don’t have a book or a course or a workshop for you because what you’re doing is unique. You’ve read the rules above. Those apply to everyone that want to go down this path.

But how you implement the rules will be unique to you and what you’re doing.

That’s why, at the moment, a course won’t cut it.

This is about me pushing you (in the nicest way possible) and guiding you along this world-building journey.

How does it work?

November 15th – December 15th: Bootcamp

Every couple of days you’ll be sent a new assignment. It will walk through what you need to do, how I’m doing it, and what you should have when you’re done.

I’ll take a look, give you feedback, and we’ll move on to the next thing.

By the end of 30 days, you’ll be moving fast and hard (of course, in a way that is sustainable to you).

We’ll cover:

  • What type of content you should be posting to help document your journey
  • How you should set up your site so it acts as the home base
  • How to accurately document your journey. For example, if filming it is the best way then how do you produce amazing videos with as little effort as possible?
  • How to start getting the right people to take notice.
  • How to think outside of the box when it comes to your content creation.
  • Finding the sawdust and utilities that you can sell so that you can continue to do the joyful thing.

December 16th – January 14th: For You

What we did in the first 30 days needs some time to gain a little bit of consistency and momentum.

You’ll still be doing your thing, carrying out the work we started in the first 30 days and I’ll still be providing guidance.

Besides, the holidays are insane. No reason to force the challenging stuff through when life could be challenging enough.

January 15th – March 15th: All In

This is where we go all in. At this point, you have a solid amount of days behind you and now it’s time to make adjustments and continue your growth.

  • Are you getting things up for sale?
  • Are people buying?
  • Are people paying attention?
  • What systems are in place to make life easier?

Here, I will examine your work, help you make adjustments, and generally ensure that you’re on the right course.

March 16th and Beyond…

At this point, you know what you’re doing, you’re having fun, and you have a business that aligns with your passion.

Instead of taking away from the joy, it is fueling it. You’re on your way to something great.

Limited Spots Available

If this was simply me giving you homework and not checking anything I’d open the doors to everyone. But this is a 100%, personally guided experience so I have to limit the people to ensure everyone gets their time.

This means 10 6 spots are open. It’s first come, first serve.

It’s $1,000 with payment plans through Affirm/Klarna.

Sold Out

The Gold Rush

We are told that you either are the person digging for gold or the one selling the tools. But there is a third person that was forgotten.

The one who builds the town. The one who has fun deciding where each building goes. The one who decides what to name the town cat.

This is about building the world that you want and having people find it and want to be a part of it.

Over the years, I’ve helped thousands of people find unique spots to dig for gold or create better tools to sell. Now it’s time to help those who want to build their own town so they don’t have to compete for resources.

Your Questions

So this is a group coaching thing? Not at all. I mean, if everyone wants to hop on a call and Kumbaya I’m always down for that but this isn’t group coaching where everyone gets the same advice.

The advice you get after each assignment is specific to you. Once you finish all of the assignments, the feedback that you’ll continue to receive will be specific to you.

Will I have to make any calls? Not if you don’t want to. I prefer email and assignments will be sent over video as I’ll need to go through how I do things.

You’ll have access to a private Discord channel where you can hit me up 24/7. That doesn’t mean I’ll respond 24/7, but it does mean I’ll respond as quickly as I can.

Will I have to do social media? Yes. You have the ability to reach millions of people for free. Don’t make it harder on yourself.

Fine, will I have to do trends? No. But if you want to then I won’t stop you.

What do I have to have ready? Honestly? Just know the thing that you want to do and if you’re starting from scratch with that, I’ll give you the initial game plan to follow.

If you’ve already been trying to build a business around the thing that you find joy around, then you’ll get an initial assessment of what adjustments to make, and we’ll move forward from there.

Is there any guarantee? Because this is a service where I can’t get back the time I spend guiding you I’m supposed to say “no”. However….

While I can’t guarantee that you’ll put in the work (that’s on you), I can guarantee that I’ll put all of my efforts into ensuring you have the tools and knowledge to make this work. I’ll do my part.

If on March 16th you feel this was a terrible experience then let me know and I’ll give you your money back. But no sooner than that to keep things fair.

But I know that if you do what we cover, then you’ll be very happy with the end result.

Your World-Building Starts Soon…

You can do what you want and make a living from it if you decide to go all in.

I’d love to be the one to show you how.

Sold Out